Friday, February 13, 2009

U-Blog 3

This past week, I took a lot of many differnt types of learning style quizzes online. I wanted to know what kind of learning style I was. All this time, I thought I was an Auditory learner and after I took the quiz, the result was a Visual learner. The reason why I am taking this quiz, I was having a hard time studying for my test and doing my homework. This site will gives you tips of studying and it will helps you do well in your tests. It also will show you different types of techniques, best test types, and worst test types of Visual Learners you are. I hope you enjoy this website and help you see what kind of learning style you are. Good Luck!

Monday, February 9, 2009

U-Blog 2

When I was looking at the assignment 3.5 for online class, it was very difficult decisions to make whether I should do the ICare workshop or the Heritage at Lowman Home workshop. I came to my final decision; I rather do the Lowman Home workshop because I wanted to teach the seniors to learn how to work with computers.  I am really excited to work with the senior and I can't wait to teach them everything I know about computers.